

Book your next affordable and memorable African safari

At Out2safari, we believe that travel is not just about exploring new destinations; it’s also about leaving a positive impact on the planet and its people. Our sustainable travel itineraries offer enriching experiences that go beyond traditional tourism, providing travelers with the opportunity to immerse themselves in nature, support local communities, and contribute to environmental conservation efforts. Embark on a transformative journey with Out2safari and experience the beauty of sustainable travel firsthand. Join us in making a positive impact on the planet while creating lasting memories and connections with like-minded travelers. Together, let’s explore the world responsibly and leave a legacy of conservation and cultural exchange for generations to come.

How Out2Safari Support Nature

Reduce Carbon Footprint: We encourage our suppliers, partners and safari guests to minimize carbon emissions by choosing more sustainable transportation options such as trains, buses, or low-impact flights.

Choose Eco-Friendly Accommodations: Where possible, we will book your safari accommodation at eco-friendly facilities that go the extra mile in their vicinity by doing more for environmental protection, community partnerships and rural development.

Respect Local Culture and and support Communities: We strive to understand, respect and help in preservation of local customs, traditions, and etiquette of the communities at/in and around the respective destinations.  

Protect Natural Resources: We ensure guests follow designated trails, respect wildlife and their habitats, and avoid activities that harm the environment, such as littering or buying products made from endangered species.

Minimize Plastic Waste: We encourage our guests to carry a reusable water bottle, shopping bags, and utensils to reduce single-use plastic waste. 

Support Conservation Efforts: We only work with tourism suppliers that actively contribute to conservation efforts, such as wildlife protection, habitat restoration, or community-based conservation projects. We participate in conservation activities like tree planting, and clean-up days.

Be Mindful of Wildlife Interactions: Our guides always observe park rules and encourage guests to observe animals in their natural habitats, without disturbing or provoking them. Guests are always advised to follow ethical guidelines for wildlife encounters, such as maintaining a safe distance, avoiding direct contact, and never feeding or touching wild animals.

Everyone in our team, must undertake continuous sustainability trainings to learn about the environmental, social, and cultural issues facing the destinations that we take our guests to. We share our ecotourism and sustainability knowledge with guests, and promote sustainable travel practices.

Sustainable travel is a collective effort, by making conscious choices and being mindful of your impact, you can help protect the environment, support local communities, and contribute to a more sustainable and responsible tourism industry.

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Book your next affordable and memorable African safari

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