Primary Ecosystems

  • Kalahari Acacia – Baikiaea woodlands
  • Southern Africa Bushveld
  • Sourthern Miombo woodlands
  • Zambezian Mopane woodlands
  • Montane Forest grassland
  • Zambezi River – Lowveld
  • The savanna

Wildlife and Birds

With some of the best parks in sourthern Africa, Zimbabwe is home to various mammal, reptile and bird species. Zimbabwe boasts one of the last Rhino ranges that include small numbers of both black and white species. The plains house antelopes, zebras, giraffes and the Big Five (Elephant, Leopards, Lions, Buffalo and Rhino).

There are approximately 685 species of birds in Zimbabwe making it an excellent birding destination. Matobo National Park is home to a third of the world’s eagle species.


Major  Landmarks

  • Victoria Falls
  • River Zambezi
  • Mt Nyangani
  • Great Zimbabwe Ruins

Climate and Weather

Zimbabwe lies north of the Tropic of Capricorn and is completely within the tropics but enjoys subtropical conditions because of its high average elevation. The high altitude of the broad plateau of western Zimbabwe helps to quarantee fine weather during the cool, dry winter months from May to August.

The summer are Rainy season lasts from November to March with the exception of the eastern highlands that re ceive year round rainfall. It is followed by a transitional season, during which both rainfall and temperatures decrease. The cool dry season follows lasting from mid – May to Mid August. There is also the warm, dry season, which lasts until the onset of the rains. During summer temperatures average 25 degrees Celcius to 35 degrees Celcius and night time temperatures droping to between 1g degrees Celcius to 20 degrees Celcius. During winter (May to September) days are dry, sunny and cool, around 15 degrees Celcius to 20 degrees celcius and night scan drop to between 0  and 10 degrees Celcius.


Main Activities

  • Walking safaris
  • Canoeing and fishing
  • Cruises, Sailing and Water Tours
  • Camping
  • Bungee Jumping off Victoria Falls bridge
  • Bike and Mountain Bike Tours.
  • Photography
  • Game drives
  • Bird watching