Primary Ecosystems

  • Tropical and Subtropical grasslands
  • Savannah
  • Shrubland
  • River Basins
  • Tropical and subtropical broadleaf forest

Wildlife and Birds

A rich and diverse habitat of the Lower Zambezi is home to a spectacular array of Zambian wildlife. Abundant water, food and shelter, give rise to one of Africa’s healthiest elephant populations, vast herds of buffalo, prides of lions, leopards, hyenas, jackals, hippos, crocodiles, zebra and various small carnivores and omnivores and antelopes and over 779. Zambia is also home home to fascinating  rare and endemic species such as black lechwe, Crawshay’s zebra and Thornicroft’s giraffe.  Liuwa plain national park is home to the second largest wildebeest migration in November each year

Zambia has over 779 recorded bird species of which 120 0r so are not found south of the Zambezi. It has only one endemic and one near endemic. It is arguably one of the best places to search for one of Africa’s most desired specials ; the African Pitta.

Major  Landmarks

  • Victoria Falls
  • The Zambezi River
  • Lake Tanganyika

Climate and Weather

Zambia experiences good rainfall, with extremes of 500 t0 1400mm in a distinct rainy season of four to six months centered on January. The highest rainfall is in the north decreasing towards the south; the driest areas are in the Luangwa and middle Zambezi valleys. None of the country is arid. The dry season lasts 6-8 months, divided into the cool dry season from April/May to August, followed by the hot dry season, September to November

The elevation of the great central African Plateau on which Zambia is located, typically between 1000 and 1300 metres, modifies temperatures, which are lower than for coastal latitude, and pleasant for much of the year.

Main Activities

  • Walking Safaris
  • Bungee Jumping off Victoria Falls bridge
  • Kayaking and Canoeing the Zambezi
  • Hot Air Ballooning
  • Swimming in the Devils Pool on the edge of Victoria Falls
  • Game drives
  • Night time in the Bush
  • Bush Camping
  • Cruises, Sailing and Water Tours
  • Bike and Mountain Bike Tours.
  • Photography