Namibia’s overall climate is Arid and Semi-Arid with frequent clear skies providing more than 300 days of sunshine per year. The Tropic of Capricorn cuts the country about in half. The winter season (June-August) is generally dry. Two rainy seasons, (September – November) and (Feb-April) occur in the summer. Rainfall is highly variable and droughts are common. Humidity is low and average rainfall varies from almost zero in the coastal desert to more than 600mm in the Capri Strip

Main Activities

  • Climbing the world’s highest sand Dune
  • See the Dunes by Air/ Hot Air Ballooning
  • Desert Tours
  • Sleep under the Stars
  • Hike the Fish River Canyon
  • Dolphin, Seal and Whale Cruise
  • Visit the eerie deserted city  Kolmanskop
  • Cultural Visits to the Himba Tribe
  • Sandboarding.
  • Photography