Primary Ecosystems

  • Savannah grasslands
  • Kalahari Desert.
  • Zambezian Mopane woodland
  • Flooded grasslands and savannahs

Wildlife and Birds

With over 40% of the county’s total land mass dedicated to National Parks, Game Reserves and other wildlife management areas, Botswana is home to the largest concentration of African elephants numbering over 120,000, the amazing annual Zebra migration, Big Cats, hippos, antelopes among others. It is also a favourite birding destination with many varied species of birds.

Major  Landmarks

Botswana is blessed with amazing natural landmarks such as,

  • The Okavango Delta
  • Kalahari Desert
  • Makgadikgadi salt pan,
  • National Parks and Reserves

All of which provide amazing wildlife viewing opportunities.

Climate and Weather

Botswana’s climate is semi-arid. Though it is hot and dry for much of the year, there is a rainy season, which runs through the summer months. Rainfall tends to be erratic, unpredictable and highly regional.

In April, temperatures begin to fall and May is generally regarded as the first month of the dry, cool winter, characterized by clear sunny days and cold nights. Spring begins in August and temperatures raise rapidly during the hot, dry period of September, October and November until the rains break again.

  • Delta Boat Safaris
  • Game Drives
  • Island camping
  • Motor-boat sunset cruises
  • Bush walks
  • Excursions
  • Dinner cruises
  • Cultural excursions
  • Fly camping.
  • Photography
  • Bird watching