The Serengeti National Park


The Serengeti National Park is undoubtedly the most famous wildlife sanctuary in the world, Unequalled for its natural beauty and scientific value, it has the greatest concentration of plains’ game in Africa. The Park was established in 1952 and is home to the greatest wildlife spectacle on earth, – the great migration of wildebeest and Zebra. The resident population of lion, cheetah, elephant, giraffe, and birds is also impressive. The park covers 5,700 sq miles, (14, 763 square kilometers), and can be divided into 3 sectors – the popular sourthern/central part (Seronera valley), is what the Maasai called the ‘’Serengit’’ the land of endless plains. It’s a classic savannah grassland, dotted with acacias and filled with wildlife. The western corridor which is marked by the Grumeti River, and has more forests and dense bush and, The North, Lobo area, which joins up with Kenya’s Masai Mara Game Reserve.

It is the migration for which Serengeti is perhaps most famous. Over a million wildebeest and about 200,000 zebras flow sourth from the northern hills to the sourthern plains for the short rains every October and November, and then swirl west and north after the long rains in April, May and June. So strong is the ancient instinct to move that no drought, gorge or crocodile infested rivers can hold them back. The wildebeests travel through a variety of parks, reserves and through avariety of habitat.

Best time to visit 

The Serengeti can be visited all year round. The dry season (from late june to september) offers the best wildlife viewing in general – with the wildebeest migration at its absolute highlight. The timing of the migration varies every year (the best chance of seeing it is during june and july) while the wildbeast calving is from late january.

Park Highlights :

  • Home to the Great Migration
  • Authentic game viewing opportiunities
  • Hot air balloon safaris
  • One of the best spots to spot African predators
  • Excellent accomodation options

Park Facts

  • Annual visitors 350,000+
  • Size 13,250sq Km
  • Altitude 3,737 ft to 7,133 ft
  • Common Animals Wildebeest, Giraffe, Gazelle, Big Cats, Elephant, Zebra,

Eland, topi, kongoni

  • Best Time to Visit June to July and January to February
  • Nearby Attractions Ngorongoro Conservation Crater, L. Natron, Tarangire N P

Best time to visit