South Luangwa


South Luangwa National park lies in eastern Zambia, in the Luangwa Valley at the tail end of Africa’s Great Rift Valley. The Park is a firm favorite with many dedicated safari buffs for its uncrowded wilderness combined with a spectacular concentration of wildlife. It is the best place to spot leopards and wild dogs in Africa. The Luangwa River which runs through the middle of the park has carved out its own path creating an abundance of lagoons and oxbows along the way. The concentration of wildlife that roams near, in and around Luangwa River is one of the highest in Africa. The park hosts many animals including, massive hippo pods, large lion prides, leopard, elephant, puku, kudu eland, Cookson’s wildebeest, hyena, cheetah, sabi sand, antelope, velvet monkeys, baboons, black rhino, the extremely endangered African Wild dog and unique species of zebra and giraffe. It is home to over 400 bird species including storks, geese, cranes, and carmine bee-eaters. Vegetation in the park consists of miombo woodland, savanna, thickets and floodplain grassland bordered by riparian forest.

Zambia is known for some of the best guides in the business and safari goers to Luangwa can take advantage to enrich their experience in this pristine park. Luangwa is one of the few parks that allows for night drives which vastly increases the chances of spotting the reclusive leopard. The incredibly popular walking safari was pioneered in the Luangwa Valley and it’s widely believed to be the ultimate way to explore the landscape. There are several lodges in the park that remain open all year round. Bush camps have recently been opened providing for and entirely new camping perspective for visitors.


Best Time to Visit

Is during the dry season months of April through October because the wildlife congregates around the available water resources
Elephants crossing Luangwa river

Best time to visit