Selinda Concession


The Selinda Concession straddles the Selinda Spillway, a seasonally flooded landscape of palm islands dotted with termite mounds, papyrus-lined pathways and game-rich floodplains in northern Botswana. This private 136,000 hectare Game Reserve is one of the wildest areas in Southern Africa known for its large elephant herds with exceptionally rewarding game drives. Being a private reserve, the number of visitors is limited to only those staying at the concession’s camp. As with most other Concessions, the number of vehicles at an animal sighting is limited to three, making for more intimate game viewing.

The Reserves ecosystem consists of flood plains covered in wide open savannah dotted with small islands of palm trees, and rivers surrounded by dry woodlands and thick mopane forest. The habitat provide home to lions, hyena, elephant, cheetah, burchell’s zebra,sourthern giraffe, buffalo, wildebeest, roan antelope, red lechwe, impala, kudu, tsessebe, reedbuck, steenbuck, and the African wild dog, for which Selinda Concession is justifiably famous. Small animals in the reserve include side-striped jackal, mongoose, serval, bat eared foxes, caracals, aardwolf, and African wild cats. The birdlife in the reserve is rich and vast, typical of the Linyanti region. The reserve is noted for its sightings of the collared palm trust. The open region is perfect for ostriches, secretary birds, kori bustards, krested korhaans and various sandgrouse.

Other than wildlife drives, walking safaris and night drives are also on offer at this pristine concession. Selinda is not a wet area, and if the traveller is keen to see wildlife from a canoe, then it is best combined with a water based camp.



Best time to visit

Wildlife is best viewed during the drier months of June through October, when migratory populations join the resident wildlife to concentrate along the Zibadianja Lagoon and Linyanti River. When the rains return during the November through April season, the animals tend to disperse into thicker cover.