Ruaha National Park


Ruaha is the largest park in Africa and the most famous for its fascinating beauty, ancient baobab trees, picturesque rivers and dramatic scenes and it offers incredibly exciting game viewing experience to its visitors

Park Highlights

  • Camping trips
  • One of the best destinations to see wild dogs
  • Guided Treks
  • Unusual anteloppe species
  • Doesnt get crowded

Park Facts

No of Visitors                     20,000+

Size                                      10,300sq kms

Altitude                              2,362 ft to 6,188ft

Common Animals             Giraffe, Greater Kudu, Sable Antelope, Lesser Kudu, Zebra, Impala

BushBuck, Buffalo, Hartebeest, Gazelle, Waterbuck, Elephant, Lions

Black-backed Jackal, Cheetahs, Leopards, Spotted Hyenas, Wild Dogs

Best Time to Visit             June to October

Nearby Attractions    Dar es Salaam, Zanzibar


Best time to visit