Queen Elizabeth National Park


Named after Queen Elizabeth II, Queen Elizabeth National Park (QENP) is truly a paradise of wonders and as consequence Uganda’s most visited park known for spectacular wildlife viewing. The park spans the equator line and some parts lie on altitude 00. It is home to 95 mammal species and over 500 bird species. It is only in QENP and Lake Manyara National Park in Tanzania where the mysterious tree climbing lions can be found. Climbing lions are the reason for the fame that the southern part of the park gets from world tourism. Other Common wildlife in the park include the African buffalo, Ugandan kob, hippopotamus, Nile crocodile, African bush elephant, African leopard, lion and chimpanzee. The park is also famous for its volcanic features, including volcanic cones and deep craters, many with crater lakes.

The park has various ecosystems made up of sprawling savanna, shadowy moist forests, lakes and fertile wetlands which makes it a good habitat to various wildlife species, primates and birds

QENP lies against the back of the great Ruwenzori, a volcanic mountain range with stunning views of various beautiful crater lakes carved dramatically into the scenic rolling hills. Kazinge channel channel in the park, whose shores are infested with hippopotamuses provides for magical wildlife sights. The Savannah plains of the Ishashe sector of the park is the best place to view tree climbing lions that are ever ready to pounce on herds of the famous Uganda kobo

QENP’s safari menu consists of wildlife viewing, Chimpanzee Trekking in Kyambura Gorge, Hot Air Ballooning over the green rolling hills, crater lakes and the sprawling savannah, Local community visits, Hiking and Nature walks, Bird watching, Launch cruises on Kazinge channel, and Visits to the volcanic crater


angry hippo

Best time to visit

The park is open throughout the year and can be visited any time. But for best experiences the months of June through September and December through January are the best times respectively.