Mashatu Game Reserve


The Mashatu Game Reserve, originally known as the Tuli enclave, is a remarkable wilderness of savannah, riverine forests, marshland, open plains and sandstone cliffs in the remote eastern corner of Botswana. Fondly referred to as the land of the Giants’, this privately owned reserve borders Zimbabwe and South Africa, and is part of the greater ‘Tuli Block’, renowned for its truly ancient landscapes, history, paleontological finds, and geographical features. Sitting on more than 90,000 acres of exceptional game land, Mashatu epitomizes the luxury safari destination that Botswana is famed for. This private concession is something of a secret in the safari world, but a secret that is increasingly being told. The most striking feature of the reserve is the diversity of wildlife to be found here. Known for its powerful predator population, Mashatu’s off-the-beaten-track feel makes it a favourite destination for those looking for an authentic African safari.

The Reserve is home to the largest single population of elephant (estimated at 700) on privately owned wildlife conservation area. The Reserve is also known for other features of the African safari ecosystem namely, the Baobab tree, the Eland, the Ostrich, the Kori bustard and the majestic Limpopo River. In addition to three members of the Big Five in the reserve – leopard, lion and elephant – there are some of the more surprising species, including the aardwolf, bat-eared fox, African wild cat, honey badger and black – backed jackal. Mashatu also provides sanctuary to the giraffe, eland, ostrich and kori bustard. For Bird lovers, Mashatu Game Reserve has over 366 species of birds recorded.

Mashatu Owls

Best time to visit

Mashatu can be visited all year round. However, for the best game viewing, the dry winter months from May to September when animals come to drink at the waterholes are the best. The ‘green’ or ‘calving’ season between November and February is equally as thrilling as the dry season as the landscape transforms into a lush paradise of chirping birds and newborn animals. You can also expect reduced rates on a safari during this time.