Lewa Wildlife Conservancy


Sprawling over the rolling plains north of Mt Kenya, Lewa Wildlife  Conservancy, also known as Lewa Downs, is a prolific wildlife conservancy that is popular with celebrities, conservationists, writers and photographers. A visit to this private game santuary offers some of the most spectacular wildlife viewing that Kenya has to offer. Home to the largest concentration of Grevy’s Zebra in the world, Lewa Conservancy is one of Kenya’s major private conservation successes.

Lewa Downs conservancy is an area of outstanding natural beauty with the Lewa River giving life to dense woodland and patches of open savannah providing the perfect habitat for a whole range of wildlife and bird species.

Lewa being a private conservancy is only accessible to visitors who are staying in the lodges within it. Its not open for safari goers looking for day trips.


Rhino Lewa

Best time to visit

The warm dry season from July to October is the best for game viewing and for personal comfort. The hot and dry months of January through March are also good for wildlife viewing. The long hot and humid rainy period starts around April and lasts until June and then the short rains come during the warm months of November and December.