Khutse Game Reserve


Located close to Botswana’s capital Gaborone, yet deliciously remote with fewer crowds, Khutse Game Reserve, a tiny bump on the southern tip of the central Kalahari Game Reserve, somehow distils all the desert magic in almost flawless bubble of isolation. For those who appreciate the odd arid adventure, khutse’s wonderfully refined desert magic is the ultimate treat. The Parks’ close proximity to the capital city makes it ideal for one day safaris.  It is a popular weekend excursion for the residents of Gaborone. The park has all the attractions of the Kalahari, including good wildlife watching, well maintained trails and around 60 mineralized clay pans that once belonged to Africa’s largest inland lake. Although big cats here are few and far between, and often shy, leopard and Lion sightings in particular are possible while gemsboks and giraffes are commonly seen. Other notable but rare game include red hartebeest, eland, kudu, wildebeest, springbok, steenbok, grey duiker, South African Cheetah, wildcat, black-backed jackal, steenbok and brown hyena.

The Park was established in 1971 and covers an area of 2 500 kilometer square. Its landscape features rolling grasslands, ancient river beds, fossil dunes and flat white picturesque salt pans which only fill with water after heavy rains – this explains the name ‘khutse’ which means ‘place where you can kneel down and drink’. Herbivores congregate around the water-filled pans attracting the predators that the Reserve is known for. Game drives are usually focused around the pans. Sometimes water is pumped at artificial waterholes making for good game viewing year round.

Funny Giraffe

Best time to visit

The Parks’ climate is typical of Kalahari, so avoid it in mid-winter (June/July) if you don’t like the cold, and avoid it in mid-summer (December to February) if you don’t like the heat. Game viewing is relatively slow right throughout the year, but the reserve is at its most scenic during the rainy season (December to April) when wild flowers can be seen everywhere