Etosha National Park


Meaning ‘Great White Place’ in the local language, Etosha was formerly part of a huge lake that has since dried up. Etosha National Park is undoubtedly the star of Namibia’s wildlife line-up offering wonderful sightings of desert species, along with perhaps the best chance to watch the regions iconic cheetah in fleet-footed action. The park’s main characteristic is a salt pan so large it can be seen from space. Yet there is abundant wildlife that congregates around the waterholes giving visitors almost guaranteed game sightings. The abundance of game in Etosha National Park is somewhat unexpected, showcasing some of the most common and rarest wildlife species. These include; elephants (some of the largest in Africa due to the vitamins and nutrients found in the ground), the endangered black rhino leopards, lions, giraffes, hyena among many others. At night, animals flock to the Okaukuejo waterhole and this makes for mesmerizing and unforgettable viewing; elephants and lions emerge into the illuminated area around the pool to drink in their fill of freshwater.

Birders will love the rainy season in Etosha. After good rains the salt pan fills with water attracting a cloud of flamingos. More than 340 species of birds have been counted in Etosha National Park. Among the migratory birds, the European bee-eater is possibly the most popular sighting. The reserve is also home to the World’s largest bird, the Ostrich, and the heaviest flying bird, the kori bustard. Due to the stunning scenery, the Park offers abundant opportunities for photographic safaris the waterholes that surround the camp ensure that you are never left without something to photograph

The park is malaria free, has well maintained roads and tracks making it one of the best options for self-drive safaris. The numerous camps provide a range of accommodation as well as restaurants, viewing decks, shops and petrol stations. Luxurious camps in Etosha’s remote areas have now added top end accommodation to the park’s offerings.


Water hole Etosha National Park, Namibia

Best time to visit

Between May and December for general game viewing. However, the rainy months from January to March are amazing in their own way and worth a visit. The park is almost a year round destination.