Akagera National Park


Akagera National Park is found lies in Eastern Rwanda hugging the border with Tanzania. The park is named after the Kagera River that flows along its eastern boundary and feeds into a labyrinth of lakes of which the largest is Lake Ihema. The forest fringed lakes, papyrus swamps, savannah plains and rolling highlands combine to make Akagera amongst the most scenic reserves in Africa. It has exceptional levels of biodiversity and forms the largest protected wetland in central Africa. The park combines well with Nyungwe and Volcanoes National Parks to offer a great safari experience in Rwanda. The varied terrain shelters wildlife including many large plains game species like Zebras, giraffes, elephants, lions, rhinos, hyena, side striped jackal, leopard, mongoose, roan antelopes, stating, elands, duikers, impala and waterbucks.  and hundreds of bird species, such as the rare shoebill stork. . Primate species that call the park home include olive baboons, vervet monkeys and the secretive blue monkey. The vast Lake Ihema is home to hippos and crocodiles.

Due to a wide variety of habitats, Akagera shelters nearly 500 bird species. The rare and elusive shoebill shares the papyrus with other rarities such as the exquisite papyrus gonolek and countless other water birds.


Cheetah at Akagera National Park Rwanda

Best time to visit

The Best time to visit this park is during the long dry season from June through September and the short dry season from December to Mid-February