Katavi National


Katavi is remote, very remote and reaching the park requires alot of effort. This alone dissuades most travellers from visiting katavi. Katavi presents untouched wilderness and is common to run across more predators than humans while you are here.

Park Highlights

  • Spectacular Hippo viewing opportiunities
  • Exclusive and uncrowded
  • Unusual species of antelopes

Park Facts

Size                              4,471sq kms

Altitude                         2,677ft to 5,361ft

Common Animals :      Eland, Sable, Roan antelope, Hippo, Buffalo, reedbuck, giraffe, Impala

Zebra, Duikers, Elephants, Lions, Leopards and Wild Dogs.

Best Time :                  June to October

Nearby Attractions :  Ruaha National Park

Kavati hippopotamus

Best time to visit